Employment in making increased by 27,000 in July, largely in durable items producing. Within long lasting items, job gains occurred in equipment (+7,000) and miscellaneous long lasting items manufacturing (+6,000). Production work is 433,000 listed below its February 2020 level. Work in information increased by 24,000 over the month, with three-quarters of the gain in motion image and sound recording markets (+18,000).
Employment in financial activities increased by 22,000 over the month, mainly in realty and rental and leasing (+18,000). Work in monetary activities is down by 48,000 given that February 2020. Work in mining increased by 7,000 in July, reflecting a gain in assistance activities for mining (+6,000). Mining work has actually risen by 49,000 since a trough in August 2020 but is 103,000 listed below a peak in January 2019.
In July, job gains in filling station (+14,000), miscellaneous shop merchants (+7,000), and nonstore sellers (+5,000) were more than balanced out by a loss in structure product and garden supply shops (-34,000). Because February 2020, work in retail trade is down by 270,000. In July, employment showed little change in construction and wholesale trade.
54, following increases in the prior 3 months. Average per hour profits for private-sector production and nonsupervisory workers also rose by 11 cents in July to $25. 83. The information for recent months suggest that the rising demand for labor associated with the healing from the pandemic might have put upward pressure on earnings.
(See tables B-3 and B-8.) In Changes , the typical workweek for all employees on personal nonfarm payrolls was the same at 34. 8 hours. In manufacturing, the average workweek increased by 0. 2 hour to 40. 5 hours, and overtime was the same at 3. 2 hours. The average workweek for production and nonsupervisory employees on private nonfarm payrolls was unchanged at 34.
(See tables B-2 and B-7.) The change in total nonfarm payroll employment for May was modified up by 31,000, from +583,000 to +614,000, and the modification for June was revised up by 88,000, from +850,000 to +938,000. With these revisions, work in May and June integrated is 119,000 higher than formerly reported.